The Power of Bespoke Suits: How Stephen Colbert Became Late-Night’s Sex Symbol
He grew his popularity from a Daily Show correspondent to the quirky host of The Colbert Report. But when CBS announced that Stephen Colbert would step in as David Letterman’s successor on The Late Show, people questioned the fit.
How could this cable “funny guy” take the reins of the biggest stage in late-night television? How could he attract the coveted 18-34 audience, tuned in for entertainment and sex appeal?
Fast-forward a few months to The Late Show with Stephen Colbert’s debut on CBS. After his first week as host, Colbert’s fit had viewers talking again—but this time, it was the fit of his suits.
Constructing a New Character
Throughout his tenure at Comedy Central, Stephen Colbert played a character—an exaggerated caricature of himself. Rarely meant to be taken seriously, his wardrobe included mostly off-the-rack and made-to-measure suits. Four nights a week, Colbert stepped out onto that set and wore garments modified—but not designed—to fit his body.
When CBS announced him as the new host of The Late Show, the network and the program’s producers found themselves in a fascinating quandary: They needed to develop a plan to help Stephen Colbert separate himself from the character he played on The Daily Show and The Colbert Report. To be successful on network TV’s late-night lineup, he needed a new identity—a new look.
No More Mr. “Funny Guy”
With this challenge in mind, Colbert’s new network matched him with a tailor to create blue and gray bespoke suits for The Late Show. In fact, his sharp and salient blue suits are quickly becoming iconic in the late-night realm. (Colbert regularly travels with multiple security guards by his side—we presume one for him, several for his suits.)
Bespoke suits provide Colbert with a far better fit, which makes him look younger—so he can compete with late-night competitors like Jimmy Fallon. These custom-made garments have also persuaded viewers to take the host more seriously, helping Stephen Colbert grow out of his “funny guy” label.
Like Letterman before him, Colbert has retained his humor on The Late Show. Occasionally, though, he focuses on more thoughtful issues and addresses them on behalf of the entire country. The incorporation of bespoke suits into Stephen Colbert’s wardrobe has shaped him into a prominent voice worth listening to—for laughs and news.
What Fit Can Do
Viewers not only take Colbert more seriously—he’s gone from being Comedy Central’s “funny guy” to late-night’s most desirable host. For this, he has his wardrobe to thank.
The power of the bespoke suit is immeasurable. As Stephen Colbert proves, custom tailoring can enact a celebrity makeover—even well after his presence became a fixture in popular culture. Want a transformation of your own? Make an appointment to see us today.
*Image source* U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry makes an appearance on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert to discuss global affairs in New York City on October 1, 2015. [State Department photo/ Public Domain]*