A key component to a man’s personal style is often the accessories he chooses.
Of course we do custom suits, shirts, pants, sport coats, and more. What we do not do with David Lance New York Private is made to measure – everything is from scratch and made to your specifications. Our custom neckwear starts as a blanket of fabric, and the neckwear is then created without any predetermined design. Our belts are also individually created by our designers, one belt at a time—one client at a time in order that our clients’ desires are met, both from the design perspective as well as the technical needs that very from one man to another. At DLNY, we do not make custom clothing, we make custom wardrobes from head to toe, and every detail in between – no two clients own the same exact garment. After all, that is the true definition of a ‘Bespoke experience’.

We have procured a wide range of silks and cashmeres from all over the world that we use to make our fine neckwear. Which is designed and cut according to each client’s face, shape, and size. Neckwear is not a "one-size-fits-all" matter – many factors go into making and choosing the perfect neckwear. We attend to details far beyond just the material and length. Creating our neckwear from our own material also allows us the ability to create the perfect pocket square, which can add the finishing touch to any outfit.
Our accessories do not end with ties; we also offer custom belts made from the finest leather and exotic skins in the world. You are able to choose whatever it is that you want – whether it’s a fine calfskin or textured buffalo, or a more exotic skin such as Hornback alligator or ostrich. Your custom belt will not only look impeccable, it will pass the engineering test as well. We'll cut your belt strap precisely so that it passes through the belt loops on your pants and will have just the right amount material extending. Our final step: we finish your custom belt off with a silver or brass buckle of your choice. Thats right, we make it just for you, from scratch, from nothing but the material that you select. That’s why it’s called bespoke.