The Return of the Gentleman
Among all of the electronic music and the trend of wearing sneakers with suits, a throwback to when times were, well just simply better in terms of fashion, has seen a revival. The book I Am Dandy: The Return of the Elegant Gentleman by Nathaniel Adams seems to have its finger on the pulse of a movement which is bringing back the time of the gentleman. The book highlights the appreciation for “the finer things in life” for men. Yes, there was once a time when men cared about how they were perceived by what they wore, and they wanted to be seen not only as wealthy but as gentlemen. How someone wanted to be perceived was not focused on expensive cars and gold chains draped from one’s neck. Men of all economic backgrounds dressed their best when they stepped out.
This all may be a pushback to the “fratification” of society where grown men wear basketball shorts to dinner, or it may be that men are just starting to realize that looking their best is important, either way we should all be glad that it is back. The trend of looking casual and comfortable at all times became the norm throughout the 70s and has only become exasperated now. Fast forward to modern day, and men have almost been exiled from the fashion world. Today, when we think of fashion, we think of gowns on a runway. More and more bespoke fashion has peaked the interest of even the younger generation, where young men are realizing that a handful of quality outfits will do them better than a closet full of screen-print shirts with pictures of their favorite album covers.
Wearing a suit to the grocery store is in obviously excessive, but this dapper movement just entails looking your best – like you had taken the time to take care of yourself. In an era when we do everything quick and are distracted at all times, it is easy to stand out if you appear as though you took a second to get ready for your day. If your mornings are always a rush, lay your clothes out the night before. Take some time to do some quick internet research and get inspiration from various blogs (much like ours), to help you take the guesswork out of compiling an outfit. Here at David Lance New York, we provide each client with a curated and customized Book. This book takes inventory of our clients’ clothing, and identifies matches based on style and color, to make sure that our clients always know what to wear.
But let’s not be too shallow, being a gentleman should encompass a lifestyle. Open a door for a lady, hold the elevator door, give up your seat when a pregnant or elderly person comes onto a train or bus, acknowledge the person ringing you up at a cashier, and before you yell out something at someone who bumps into you on the sidewalk – take a second.