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David Lance Coin



Spring Ties

May 04 2015DLNY News

As the seasons change, your wardrobe will too, (unless you so happen to live in Miami or Los Angeles). We’re finally, and I mean finally nearing the seasons where we don’t have to layer heavy fabrics and borderline ski gear to keep ourselves warm. It make sense to most men that we  swap out your heavier suits for lighter suits in spring, but most men don’t know that it’s also  time to change their ties as well.

True bespoke suits; What's the difference between custom and made-to-measure?

Dec 12 2014Bespoke, DLNY News

Custom or bespoke, and made-to-measure are terms that are often used interchangeably, but actually mean very different things. So what are true bespoke suits?

You’re reading this information on a page we call “Bespeak”. Coincidentally, the process of creating a bespoke garment is the act of bringing out that which is in your mind’s eye, by using your words to speak it into something tangible and real. Hence a bespoke suit, is a suit that has been “Bespoken” into being.


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